PSA Gold Medal “Best in Section” winners from the 2023 Digital Salon.
  • Colour PSA GOLD Medal Best in Section - Marcel VAN BALKEN, Netherlands - Farewellletter.

The VIGEX 2024 22nd International Print Salon exhibition, official opening date and time – Saturday 13th July, 1pm. at The HOOP Gallery, 77 Beach Rd., Torquay

4th International Digital Salon completed

VIGEX is pleased to announce the completion of it’s 4th International Photographic Digital Salon. We received over 3300 entries from 34 countries. The VIGEX committee was delighted with the standard of the images. We congratulate all entrants whose work was accepted into the exhibition, particularly those who received awards.

2024 International Print Salon

VIGEX has closed it’s 2024 Print Salon and wishes all entrants the best of luck for their entries. The salon Exhibition details are shown below –

  • Venue: HOOP Gallery
  • Address: The MAC, 77 Beach Road, Torquay
  • Duration:  Exhibition is open 11th to 21st July 2024
  • Weekday Opening Times: Thursday and Friday 11am – 4pm
  • Weekend Opening Times: Saturday and Sunday 10am – 4pm

What is VIGEX?

The VIGEX Committee :

  • Conducts yearly International Photographic Salons rotating between both print and digital format,
  • Hosts an Annual Exhibition of the best Print or Digital images.
  • Creates online Catalogues and public slideshows for each exhibition
  • Is completely run by volunteers.

The VIGEX 2024 22nd International Print Salon exhibition, official opening date and time – Saturday 13th July, 1pm. at The HOOP Gallery, 77 Beach Rd., Torquay

VIGEX statement on Ukraine

In relation to the current situation in Ukraine, VIGEX concurs with policies recently articulated by FIAP and PSA; namely that these bodies have no political, ideological, racial, bigotry or religious agendas and that they embrace the photographic community worldwide.

It is their hope, and ours, that this war ends soon, that the world gets back to working together, and that photographers of the world will be united under the banner of friendship.