Vigex Committee Members
Current Committee Members
Brien Cohn – AAPS, AFIAP
Vice President
Gloria van der Meer
Secretary & Public Officer
Jack Jansen
Meredith Bain
Other Members
- Colin Klein. – SSVAPS.
- Neil Smith.
- Jenny Gold
- John Williamson
- Philippa Alexander EFIAP/p, MPSA, GMAPS
- Robert Peck PSM
Patronage and Judges Coordinator
Philippa Alexander EFIAP/p, MPSA, GMAPS
Computer Advisor
Gloria Van Der Meer
Website Manager
Gloria Van Der Meer
Friends of Vigex Coordinator
Neil Smith
Catering Coordinator
Past Committee Members, and Key Helpers
We recognise and thank the following past VIGEX team members.
Edith Abrahams, Jim Abrahams, Ian Bock, Tim Bracher, Philip Brew, David Bridge, Dirleen Bufton, J.H. Campbell, Bronwen Casey, Ian Casey, Andrew Cerasuolo, Ian Chalmers, Bill Clydesdale, Steve Cooper, Terry Daniel, Peter Dickson, Denise Drews, Josie Dujmovic, Graham Esler, Barry Feldman, Jim Fidge, Frank Filippi, Robert Filippi, Brian Flewell-Smith, Janine Francis, Ross Garner, Chris George, Reg Goudge, Bruce Graham, Terri Graham, Sandy Gray, Neil Griffin, Phil Gude, Bert Hoveling, Peter Hunter, Wim John, Hans Kawitzki, Frank Kennedy, Bruce Ketchen, Joy Klein, Tuck Leong, Jim Lippelgoes, Margaret Luxon, Sandy Mahon, Nick Majetic, Brian Malone, Graham Martini, Tim McCarthy, Kathy McCoy, Michael McCoy, Rob McKay, Rod McKenzie, Audrey McKeown, Ken McKeown, Paul McKeown, Shelly McKieman, Alan Michael, Rob Miller, Stuart Miller, Paul Moore, Graham Mourney, Col Munday, June Munday, Brian Murray, Maxine Niblock, Lyn Northam, Ken Organ, Joe Pascoe, Robert Peck PSM, Gene Patterson, Trevor Pickles, Charles Radnay, Christine Reichl, David Rendle, Alex Risk, Gaynor Robson, Irene Sady, Pauline Sherwell / McKenzie, Mary Sifri, Adrian Smith, Maggie Smith, Bert Spence, Coral Spence, Ken Steel, Michael Stokie, John B. Stow, June Thomas, Karen Thomson, Jim Thyer, Ted Tierney, Joan Tucker, Gillian Turner, Ken Tyas, Gerry Van der Meer, Chris Wallace, Andrew Whitson, Sandra Whitson, and Robert Young