Subscription Form – Two Year Individual Membership

Subscription Benefits

Please complete the form to become a Friend of VIGEX or Special Friend of VIGEX for the next two-year period leading up to our scheduled Print or Digital Salon.

Individual Friends and Special Friends will:

  • receive an invitation for two to the next Print Salon opening
  • have their names listed in the online Salon Catalogue which will be published on and downloadable from the VIGEX website:

In addition, Friends and Special Friends will be offered a copy of the Salon audio-visual presentation, available after the Salon, at their choice of a download, a DVD or a memory stick.

Subscription Form

Subscription Information

Subscription Form

Please complete the subscription form:

  • to become a new Friend or Special of VIGEX, or
  • to renew your subscription for the next two-year period leading to our scheduled Print or Digital Salon.

Subscription Rates

The subscription Rates for individuals are:

  • Individual Friend of VIGEX: $40 or higher donation
  • Individual Special Friend of VIGEX: $75 or higher donation.

Subscription Payment

EFT Payment

Payment should be made to Vigex Inc at:
Bendigo Bank BSB 633-000
Account Number 129-427-712

Please include your name as a reference.

Direct payment via EFT is preferred.

VIGEX Treasurer
Meredith Bain
8 Taylor Street
Torquay 3228